Friday, January 26, 2007

manamanah: Original vs Spoof

Most of us are probably familiar with the Muppet Show.
Some of us grew up watching it.
Few of us actually know the significance of the manamanah song.
A handful of us have had the privilege to watch both the original clip of the song as well as a very funny spoof of it... up until now!

A little bird has informed me that the spoof is now available on Google Video. I'm proud to present both the original and the spoof for your enjoyment. Please vote as to which is the funniest.

As always, patience is well rewarded... Wait till the end of both videos!

The Original:

The Spoof:

P.S. The availability of this video on the net has triggered my desire to find movies that we've filmed with friends back in the old days. Some of the video-tapes have been lost, others await to be found. Hopefully by Easter some of the long-lost videos will have been unearthed and subsequently posted online.


Fi Chince said...
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Fi Chince said...

Another version, from the British version of "The Office":

Great, now I'm going to have that stuck in my head all day.

Anonymous said...

i vote for the original! wil

Anonymous said...

This is the greatest "spoof" that I have ever seen in my whole life. The people in this video are really original and creative. The original one is funny, but the spoof is just so hilarious!!!


Nick said...

hahahaha... I knew the "manamanah" song growing up, but I never knew where it came from. Now I know. I like the original better, but they're both funny.

Ben said...

Hahaha,.. Was just playing a video game that had that music in it and had to hear it again! The muppet one's were taken down, but I'm glad cuz it lead me here.. Hahaha you guys were worth the search! nice one :)