Friday, January 26, 2007

manamanah: Original vs Spoof

Most of us are probably familiar with the Muppet Show.
Some of us grew up watching it.
Few of us actually know the significance of the manamanah song.
A handful of us have had the privilege to watch both the original clip of the song as well as a very funny spoof of it... up until now!

A little bird has informed me that the spoof is now available on Google Video. I'm proud to present both the original and the spoof for your enjoyment. Please vote as to which is the funniest.

As always, patience is well rewarded... Wait till the end of both videos!

The Original:

The Spoof:

P.S. The availability of this video on the net has triggered my desire to find movies that we've filmed with friends back in the old days. Some of the video-tapes have been lost, others await to be found. Hopefully by Easter some of the long-lost videos will have been unearthed and subsequently posted online.

Panathlitikos News

We won 3-0 against Bergina.
The game was relatively easy.

I understand that my blog is becoming kind of monotonous, being dominated by Panathlitikos posts. As such I've decided to create a blog dedicated to Panathlitikos.
That way the goose that understands will remain more personal and less collective.
From now on, expect to find team news at the Panathlitikos Blog.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Panathlitikos News

Panathlitikos won again.
It was a solid 3-0 without any big surprises. This time the match was not a derby although we were playing against Eukarpia, a team that up until yesterday held first place in our league.
The win bumped us into first place and we will definitely fight to stay there.